
Guestbook: If you post a message on the guestbook keep an eye on it as you may get some replies. You may have to scroll down the page to find your message if more have been added. If you want someone to get in touch but do not want to post your details on the website please email me at anthej@btinternet.com and I will pass on your contact details. Andie.

Please see new pages for messages, Thomas Guy Statue, Protect the Title Nurse

To leave messages on these pages please leave on guestbook page and I will move them

Martin Gadd 1973. If you remember Martin Gadd please let me know via the email

Please see obituary for Joan Cox nee Beardow on Obituary page with details of her funeral on 30th January

PLease see message from Sheelagh Titchener1963 set on guestbook page

Jean Tuddenham has died - I don't know anything about her but if you knew her please let me know and I will put more information about her










Looking for Helen Waters started 1981
Hi, I'm trying to track down an old school friend who started nurse training at Guys around 1981. Her name then was Helen Waters, we don't know if she married or changed her name later. Does anyone know where she went after Guys, or even is still in touch with her?
Posted by Jane Potter on 08 June 2024
Jan1970 set
Only just discovered this site and am wondering if Jan 1970 set have ever had a reunion? Does anyone from the set use this site. Would love to catch up and reminisce.
Posted by Anne Kilduff (Cowper) on 04 June 2024
Norfolk/Suffolk reunion 2024
We are having lunch at the Assembly House in Norwich at 12.30pm on Wednesday 15th May.
We are much reduced in numbers for various reasons. Only 6 people attending this year. Everybody is welcome to join us.
Unfortunately we lost Pam Miller earlier this year. She lived in Walsingham and attended last year’s lunch, where she polished off a huge knickerbocker glory! She was at Guy’s during WW2. For her 90th birthday, she abseiled down one of the Guy’s buildings to raise money for the cancer unit! Well into her 90’s, she enjoyed mudlarking on the Thames!!! We will miss her tomorrow.
Posted by Anne Huggett on 14 May 2024
I am writing as the daughter of Jean Tucker (ne Elliott) who has sadly passed away on 2nd May 2024. Jean trained at Guys Hospital during 1950's (think possibly qualified in 1955) and went on to do her midwifery training at the John Radcliffe in Oxford, following which she nursed overseas at the Montreal General in Canada and Christchurch Hospital, Canterbury, New Zealand. Jean was very proud of her nursing career and achievements and attended many Guys reunions keeping the bond she had with her fellow nursing friends alive - unfortunately there are no records remaining of these connections or contacts. Should anyone in this group remember Jean and wish to attend her funeral on Friday 31st May please do get in touch - service to be held at Hereford Crematorium @ 11:15am.
Posted by Jennifer Le Boutillier on 10 May 2024
Feb 80 set
Just wondering who else was Feb 80…. Would love to reconnect.
Posted by Alison Richards McKay on 28 April 2024
make contact
Posted on 07 April 2024
make contact
Posted on 07 April 2024
January '81 set
Posted on 04 March 2024
1974 set reunion
Posted on 18 January 2024
Pamela Love
Posted on 30 August 2023
September 1974 set reunion?
Posted on 25 August 2023
Feb 1984 reunion
Posted on 10 April 2023
Jan 1973 reunion
Posted on 06 March 2023
June 1963 Set Reunion 60 years
Posted on 19 January 2023
Jan 1973 reunion
Posted on 04 January 2023
Class of '84 Enrolled nurse
Posted on 06 August 2022
Sept 72 reunion
Posted on 21 March 2022
Worked as midwife 1978 in guys hospital
Posted on 05 February 2022
August 82 set reunion
Posted on 05 February 2022
Guys in the 1870s
Posted on 04 June 2021
September 1973
Posted on 15 April 2021
Posted on 02 April 2021
Guy’s 1982 set reunion
Posted on 12 March 2021
Statue of Thomas Guy
Posted on 23 January 2021
September 71 set
Posted on 22 January 2021
Sept 1972 Set
Posted on 23 August 2020
Posted on 09 March 2020
10 years on reunion July 2020
Posted on 22 January 2020
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